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Friday, February 24, 2012

WTH: Allen Iverson To Play Indoor Soccer

Damn, I CAN'T imagine blowing 200 MILLION DOLLARS!!

My how the mighty have fallen. Allen Iverson still remains my favorite NBA player, but he's got a hefty jewelry bill to pay and how do you think he's going to pay it? That's right playing SOCCER! An indoor soccer league called The Lancers have offered Allen $20,000 per game, with a bonus of $5,000 per goal scored, win bonuses and merchandise bonuses to play for their team for the remainder of the season. Lucky (or maybe unlucky) for A.I. there are only 2 games left in the season.

"With his athleticism and competitive hunger, I think he can be a great fit with our team and fans as we make an important playoff push, while also driving interest to an exciting, growing sport," says Lancers vice president Rich Randall.


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